Monday, July 2, 2012

Spaniards dish up tasty garbage to fight waste

By Anna Cuenca | AFP

  • On a warm summer's evening in a Madrid park about 30 diners enjoy an open-air meal of sauteed vegetables and mixed salad -- all fresh from the waste bin.
  • The environmentalists are on a mission to stop wastage. In Spain, the equivalent of 163 kilograms (359 pounds) of food per person are thrown out every year. Across the European Union the wastage is even higher at 179 kilograms (394 pounds).[emphasis added]
  • We don't have unlimited resources and we have to share with those who need it more.[emphasis added]
  • The movement started off in the United States in the 1990s as "freeganism". But it has taken on a new meaning in Spain, which is in a deepening recession and suffering a financial crisis.
Now people are reduced to eating garbage.  So, this is progress?  The environmentalists are allied with progressives, are they not?

Better to have something to eat than nothing, but that's not the point.  Their "solution" is for people to eat garbage, not to attend to the problem that caused them to have to resort to this extremity in the first place.

Nothing wrong with feeding hungry people.  Don't misunderstand.

The problem is the notion that resources are limited.  If you believe that, then you will act upon that belief.  The problematical acts are the ways in which access to resources are being limited.  Thus, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.  Economies falter, people lose jobs, and hunger increases.  Then you are reduced to eating garbage.  Eventually, even that could go away.


A similar story from North Korea.

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