Thursday, December 1, 2011

We know who lost Egypt

  • Obama’s foolish policy of forcing Mubarak out of office precipitously without giving non-Islamist parties time to organize has resulted in Islamists achieving a sweeping victory in the first round of parliamentary elections.
  • This all was very predictable.  In fact, I predicted it while Obama was insisting that Mubarak leave ”yesterday,” NY Times columnists were writing delusional columns about the Arab Street and the Arab Spring, and venomous anti-Israeli pundits at Media Matters and elsewhere complained that the “Israel Lobby” was trying to stifle freedom.


I predicted that something worse would take its place, and now, it has.  I surprise myself once again.

There's a darker view of Obama than the one of mere incompetence.  Just remembering a few things about Obama's background is more than enough to give credence to the idea that this was not mistake by Obama.

What went wrong?  It is a long story.  It didn't begin in 2009 when Obama took office.  It has been building for a long time now.

In the 2000 election, Lamar Alexander complained about the nomination process.  It was hijacked by money and big media.  Something needs to get this turned around.

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