Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The naïveté of a liberal

Don Surber

  • What triggered the anger and ire of liberals was this from Bloomberg News: “no one calculated until now that banks reaped an estimated $13 billion of income by taking advantage of the Fed’s below-market rates... Oh goodness, someone somewhere in the United States made a profit 
  • Now Kevin Drum wants to compound the unfairness by raising my taxes to pay for this unfairness and unsound policy.
  • But from the Conscience of a Liberal, we get Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman: "there has been no sense of urgency about dealing with unemployment..." Wait as second, wasn’t the bailout and the $787 billion stimulus supposed to take care of unemployment. What would I have done? Nothing.
[note: emphasis added for clarity]


You can get better results if you get more bang for the buck.  Thus, you save money and scarce resources which can be better utilized.

Also, you can focus on wealth generating policies as opposed to "spread the wealth" schemes.  It is interesting to note that liberals believe that they can win on spreading the wealth.  But where does wealth come from?  Shouldn't you be creating more wealth, rather than just spreading it around?  Someone should be pointing out that spreading out the wealth of a diminishing wealth base only makes everyone poorer.

If public policy is to assist in creating new jobs, why not develop space?  Not as a boondoggle, nor as a bread and circus pacification of the masses.  No, a genuine, bonafide way of generating entire new industries and wealth creation.

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