Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Visionary-- - What does that mean?

It must be one of those words that means different things to different people.  Ann Barnhardt says it's seeing a vision or hearing a voice.  Normally, this is considered insanity, and, as she says in her post, it is also like a religious experience.

I tend to rely upon a dictionary definition, as I have been described as a very literal person.  So, if that dictionary definition was applied to the header of this blog, would it be fitting? Let's look at the definition:
 Barnhardt's usage of the word tends to follow 2, 3, 4 for adjectives, and 8 for nouns.

I would tend to see it as 5 (sometimes for adjectives) and 7 or 9 for nouns.

It would appear that the word can be construed as an insult or high praise.  It largely depends upon the viewpoint of the person doing the labeling.  Well, come to think of it, people who label others say as much or more about themselves as the people they label.

Not only have I been described as a literal person, but also as a sensible and too practical type of person.  Does that go with the negative connotation of the word "visionary".  I'd also describe myself as a person who prefers reality.  I would consider being called a dreamer as a bit of an insult, or a derogatory label.

When I wrote on the header to this blog that space will bring peace and prosperity, I don't consider that to be a "dreamy"  proposition.  It may not be correct in way things turn out, but it is definitely doable type of project provided that the will exists to do it.   There is also a bit of logic to it as well.  If you want to know about it, I'm a bit like Spock on Star Trek.  Not that I want to be like Spock, it is kinda the way I'm wired.

It could turn out to be an impractical idea after all.  If it is, the world is in trouble.  But isn't that what so many people been saying lately?

I'll close with this quote:

Two men looked out from prison bars
One saw the mud
The other saw the stars.

Why not turn your gaze upward towards the stars?    Might not hurt, and it might actually help.

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