Sunday, August 7, 2011

Parker: Sovereign Debt Crisis About Elderly Entitlements

via Parapundit
  • Those entitlements programs mentioned by Samuelson take up over half of US federal spending before the coming doubling of the number of people over age 65.
  • All that debt and unfunded entitlements would become a smaller and more manageable problem if the US economy could grow rapidly.
  • both sides of the partisan divide need to give up more than even their opponents demand
  • Ezra Klein.. wants that spending for redistribution, not economic efficacy.. He ought to say so.
  • Both resource limitations and demographic changes are becoming big weights on economic growth.
  • Since we can't afford our lifestyles and our current size of government we need to find ways to do more with less.
Resource limitations can be overcome, but not with the current leadership.  Entitlement programs can be adjusted for realities such as longer lifespans, but not with the current leadership.  We can afford our current lifestyles, but not with our current size of government.  To change that, you have to change the current leadership.

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