Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Blogger Interface

For the last hour or two, I've been experimenting with the new Blogger interface.  This interface is optional for now, but it looks like the Google folks want the bloggers to use this new interface.  So, what does it all mean?

There's good news and bad.  Which one first?  Let's take the bad.  Actually, it isn't really all that bad in my own case, but I can see where I'd be upset if the situation was a bit different.  The difference is this:  you can't market Amazon's books like you used to.  Before this change, you could include links to Amazon's books and products and hope to get a commission from it.  In my case, it didn't matter.  Nobody ever seemed to click on the ads anyhow.  Still, I'd like the opportunity, and now that is gone.

The good news and it isn't all that good, is that I can more easily see what works and what doesn't.  Google is now reporting views for posts.  I looked through them and there's substantial amount of new information being given there.  Nice to know.  But, it doesn't tell me all that much.  I know what is working.  Perhaps I didn't know enough about what wasn't working, though.

So, based upon a short amount of time that I've worked with it, it seems that I'll know how to post more interesting stuff for my readers.  Unfortunately, this won't do anything towards helping the blog actually make money.  Not that this was going to ever occur anyway.  At least before, I had some slight hope for that.  Oh, well.

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