Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carbon nanotubes

Development of carbon nanotubes is often linked to the construction of a space elevator.  But you need tons of the stuff for a space elevator.  Now if you were to use this material in order to construct a really strong airship, you just might have something.  In his Space Show broadcast in 2008, which I have referenced here, John Powell of JP Aerospace says he isn't counting on the development of carbon nanotubes for his airships.  

It would appear to me that he is probably correct.  His airships just won't need much material in terms of weight. Graphene can be used to strengthen plastics.  If you have enough graphene in plastic, you have a really strong lightweight material that just might make it to space.

I will be writing more about JP Aerospace in the future.

Update: 1/19/11, approx 11:45am cst

I got the book referenced above.  It has a DVD which I've played, or played most of it.  Haven't had time to read the book yet.   Just to give an idea of the kind of strength in the materials mentioned above, check out this quote (if you haven't done that already):

"It would take an elephant, balanced on a pencil, to break through a sheet of graphene the thickness of Saran Wrap."

Strong stuff.

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