Friday, December 24, 2010

Xtranormal's potential

Maybe it is too early to say what the potential is for this software.  But as is my custom, let's speculate, shall we?

This software reminds me of a game console that my brother bought a long time again.  I think it was called Odyssey.  It was great fun to play with, but its graphics by today's standards were quite crude.  This Odyssey console allowed you to play a number of games: football, baseball, hockey,  and soccer.  These were the ones that I knew about.  There may have been more.  I suppose today someone would buy a playstation or some such thing.  I'm not into that kind of stuff, but an old high school friend of my has one of these.  When we had a meet up not long ago, we played on that thing.  The animations and such were far superior to the old Odyssey games.  But you would expect that after all these years.

The point I am getting at is that this Xtranormal software is crude right now.  But in the next few years it could get quite sophisticated.   In my mind's eye, I can see realistic videos being made with real, human-looking actors.  It may even be possible to recreate real actors that would perform real scenes.  All of this could be done in a virtual reality type system.  It could even get Trekkie-like, with holograms that would allow you to participate in scenes, like a holodeck.

As for now, the Xtranormal software is rather crude.  These are just stick figures with a limited repertoire of gestures, facial expressions and so forth which enables you to create these cartoon-like videos.  It is fun to use, but on the other hand, it is limited.

Sometimes, it is not easy to make this software do what you want it to do.  My last video may not look like much, but it has taken me a lot of time to get to this point of being able to create stuff with it.  Keep that in mind when you watch them.  They may seem super simple, but it isn't necessarily that simple to make them.

Hopefully, this software will get a lot better.  In fact, I think you can count on it.  In twenty or thirty years, this thing will look like Odyssey would today.  Assuming of course, you could find a working Odyssey machine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It got to be too popoular. They are charging to make movies at xtra, now. I went in to access work I've already finished, and they won't let me take it off their site. I can see it but, I can't share it without paying them. That defeats the whole idea for me. The whole thing becomes a way for them to make money, my money. No thanks, I'm retiring from show biz.