Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why you should read this blog

This post is long overdue.  After all, for someone who is busy, and values their time- why should they come here and spend the time it would take to read my stuff?  After 3 months of this, I am finally getting around to an attempt to answer that question.

Everybody has to make a living, and so do I.  For right now, this blog is my job.  The job that I did have, as a delivery driver- evaporated with this recession.  That work enabled me to have a decent living, but with things the way they are, I needed to take a new direction.

People might underestimate delivery drivers.  It may surprise you, in case you didn't know, that drivers can make a decent living.  It isn't like being a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but it isn't that bad for an ordinary Joe like me.  So, for many years, I was basically satisfied with it.  Yet, I always had this ambition that remained unfulfilled.  Believe or not, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.  My grades weren't bad, but things just didn't come together for me.  I didn't get a professional career going, but I got by.  Now this recession business, and I am in a bit of a quandary.  How do I solve the problem that I face now?  Looking at my history, this doesn't give compelling reasons to take me seriously.  Now, that's a tall order to overcome the kind of skepticism someone would have after reading all that.  Why should I be so bold as to say that you should read my blog?  To answer, I would say: challenge your assumptions.

The assumption- that my history doesn't do much to recommend me- pretty much identifies my problem with promoting this blog.   So here is my solution:  don't believe me, just believe the people that I cite here.  I will stand on the shoulders of giants, so to speak.  These people have the creds.  All I am doing is pointing in their direction.  You don't have to believe me, just believe them.  My first goal is to point in the direction that may yield some promising ideas.

That's number one.  Number two is that most people have the same problems that I do.  They have to make a living and that isn't easy these days.  That brings me to the politics part of this problem.  Let's face it, our politicians are failing us.  Since we have a democratic form of government, it is our duty, meaning the public, to correct this problem.  The way to do that is to hold the politicians accountable for their screw ups.  This latest recession has a lot to do with a lot of screw ups that have been taking place in our government.  Somehow, some way, we have to got to do better than what we are doing.  It is my hope that I can do something here that might help.  I could be dreaming big time, but I have to try.  There is no other option, besides crawling in a corner, curling up into a fetal position, and sucking my thumb.  Not a very adult way to deal with one's own problems.  So, political accountability is a second goal, and a second reason to read this blog.

The third reason is these ideas can be worth big money.  Yes, BIG money.  For example, I have been writing a lot about space.  Before I began, I had no idea of the material worth there is waiting out there in space.  Yet, the conventional wisdom is that it is just too difficult a job to do to take advantage of it.  But, again, challenge your assumptions.  What I think that I've been able to show through these giants whose shoulders that I am standing on- is that this isn't necessarily so.  Access to space is available to us with the technology that we already have.  Now if we can use this, we just may be able to create a completely new growth industry which will provide the jobs that will enable us all to do what we want.  But not until we challenge our assumptions and start looking at new ways of doing things.

So this is my vision.  What do you think?  Would you like to join up?  If so, stay tuned.  More to come, but you have to show some interest at least.  This doesn't come cheap.  I have to spend my time here too.  If it doesn't pay me, then I will have to think up something else.  Click on some ads if you can.  Buy some stuff, or make a donation.  Or, just read it, and think.  It isn't going to kill you.

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