Friday, September 20, 2024

Was Greenwald censored, and/or was Air America sent down the memory hole?

With respect to that last post, a click-through will reveal what Greenwald was talking about. Greenwald was pretty critical of the Iraq War, and was often cited by my old friend on the left--The Mahablog. ( no link to Mahablog, as she banned me from the Woolsworth for daring to ask an innocent question.)

Anyway, old-timers like me will remember "Air America". It was often ridiculed on the so-called right. Air America was supposedly an answer to Rush Limbaugh and talk radio. The internet was still a new thing in the early years of the 21st century, talk radio is what the libs hated back then. The libs wanted to shut down talk radio, and Rush Limbaugh made a joke about it on his TV show. He disguised his face behind a blue dot.

The point being that censorship from the left is nothing new.

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