Friday, September 20, 2024

An example of divide and conquer.

9/20/24 about 6 AM This is the old divide and conquer approach. This isn't about Republicans and Democrats.

The Iraq War was supposedly a big crime that the Bush-Cheney crew cooked up. But America was just coming off of 9-11, and there was a perceived need to go after terrorists, wherever they were.

The left made a big issue out of the Iraq War, but they don't seem so pacifist these days.

It is almost as if the Iraq War was a wedge issue to divide Americans against itself. The same is true today with regards to Ukraine.

Democrats have forgotten their pacifism. They've also forgotten about the middle class, while they import voters for their new grip on the country. Never mind that some of these may be terrorists.

Meanwhile, the Dems use the "bipartisan" argument to push the idea that the most liberal Senator in Congress is actually a moderate.

It's all an attempt to divide and conquer. A few elites in Washington DC want the public to swallow the bull that that these same Establishment elites are where the majority is, while they replace the majority with illegal immigrants who will help them steal the election.

Post Script: 7:12 AM

In the tweet, I mention an Amazon review. The Amazon review I did isn't there anymore. I don't remember deleting it, so why is it gone?

A bit of speculation here, as I have no proof. It may have been deleted in a hack.

That's all the evidence I have that I wrote the review. But I know I did, and I'm certain I didn't delete it.

My review was extraordinarily critical and harsh. I said that Bugliosi needed a padded cell.

Now the whole country seems to be going insane in exactly this way.

I wonder if Greenwald had any of his videos hacked???

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