Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dave Portnoy: "What Democrats Have Done Is Far Worse Than Anything Trump Has Done


The "save democracy" schtick is more about January 6th "fedsurrection" than what the argument is supposedly about. Democrats seem to have a problem with anybody opposing them. Then they retaliate. No opposition is tolerated. The "insurrection" narrative is retaliation against opposing them. So is the reaction to previous opposition leaders such as Trump, Bush during his presidency, the elder Bush, and Reagan. Their reaction is hysterical---not based upon reason, but emotion.

Post script:

I did a Gemini AI query about "fedsurrection" and was given the typical leftist schtick about "conspiracy theory". Beware of AI, especially since it is intended to shut down all discussion on the grounds that the experts have spoken.

But who are the experts? None other than those who follow the approved narrative.

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