Monday, July 22, 2024

You are being "Borgified", Resistance is Futile!

People might laugh if you suggest this to them. But it really looks like people have given up their own minds in exchange for... what exactly? What I mean is that people check their brains in at the door. They refuse to think for themselves.

Is this a voluntary surrender, or was it forced? If you knew what was being done to you, would it make any difference to you?

This post is in reaction to the somebody else's reaction to what I am doing to resist. I got laughed at. Not good. Not good.

It doesn't matter what you call it. You are a slave if you let this happen. Why would anybody want that for themselves? Yet some people seem to be content with involuntary servitude. It's no laughing matter. Not to me.

I've made comparisions to the movie "The Matrix" too. But it doesn't make any difference whether it is the Borg, or the Matrix. Slavery is slavery.

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