Saturday, April 13, 2024

What is an appropriate way of handling rudeness?


Too much, or too little aggression? That's the question. Is there a Goldilocks in the House?

End update of 3/7/24 post

After answering a number of questions from a British reporterette, MTG came back with a bit of rudeness of her own. The British reporterette was rude, but was this a good idea for MTG to retaliate? What can we learn from this?

Consider the reports have that Biden wants to get under Trump's skin, and this is something he expects will help him win an election. It's a variation upon the Bentsen-Quayle angle, as far as I can tell. To recall that 1988 debate tactic, Bentsen was losing the debate when he decided to get rude with Quayle. Quayle couldn't respond to it, and ended up looking weak. Contrast that with MTG here. Now that MTG has been equally rude, the response to it will be shock and outrage at MTG's lack of good manners.

The left is always at war with "We the People". It is well to understand their tactics and be able to counter them forcefully, but without incurring any type of backlash. What could have MTG have done differently? Well, don't get mad nor exasperated. Just brush it off, but don't fail to respond. For example, this woman was talking about conspiracy theories, and then asked about Jewish lasers. That's when MTG got exasperated. She could have reponded that she doesn't have any tin hats for you today, or something like that. Dish it back out, but keep it as cordial as possible. It would be a challenge, but the left wants to pick a fight, and then blame you for getting mad. Don't let them have what they want.

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