Monday, April 8, 2024

Somebody's knocking at the door



Talking over old times with Wishbone, and he says there was an eclipse back in the 70's. I didn't remember it. I looked it up, and there was no total eclipse visible from Texas back then, so it must have been a partial eclipse.

There were a lot of interesting songs back in those days. Lots of interesting songs Here's one of them:

end update of post from 9/3/23:

Been watching this series of videos by Bruce Gore. It's about the Book of Revelation. This latest one covers the letters to the Churches. Gore then says something like this song.

So I looked up the song, and searched for some deeper meaning to it. I decided that it all of the meaning may depend on who it is that's doing the knocking.

Another song could come to mind, but this one should suffice for now. Anyone knocking at your door? Who could it be?

The Wings song isn't about that, so there's no deeper meaning that I can find. You have to look deeper elsewhere.

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