Friday, September 30, 2022

Instapundit link---Brandon's Philosophical Moment

Brandon's Philosophical Moment

Here's a quote captured from the link:


It is worthwhile to discuss philosophy, but when it comes to the philosophy that Brandon is referring to, he cannot cite a single instance to support his assertion. If he did, no source of information with regards to the speeches in question actually cited anything at all about the "underpinning philosophy" to which Brandon references. Such an assertion is merely a claim that Brandon makes. Unless he supplies the facts, he cannot honestly make the claim.

The actual philosophy of the founders is what the GOP CLAIMS to be their own. The trouble is that they often don't live up to it. The philosophy of the founders is what Brandon and his ilk OPPOSES while they work tirelessly to undermine it. Many of Brandon's followers denounce the founders as racists. Some statues of historical figures have been toppled. Yet Brandon claims that he is upholding the Republic. If so, whose philosophy is Brandon actually following?

If he is referring to violence, perhaps he is referring to Nietsche. Perhaps. If he was, to my knowledge, the no GOP figure has EVER referred to Nietsche at all. If he is referring to Hegel, the same goes. Both Hegel and Nietsche formed a lot of the basis of Hitler's philosophy, according to Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". Is Brandon accusing MAGA Republicans of being followers of these two philosophers? Or does Brandon actually know what he is talking about? It would seem that Brandon greatly exagerrated his scholatic achievements. He claimed to finish near the top of this class, but he actually did the opposite.

A deeper dive into the philosophy of Hitler may prove embarrassing to the Democrats. It would seem that there's a political opportunity here for the GOP. But the GOP never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. According to Brandon's former presidential boss, Brandon never seems to miss an opportunity to screw up.

That deeper dive is indicated. For Hitler did like political violence. Who likes violence these days, but the Democrats? The GOP has an allergy to any type of confrontation at all. The Democrats don't want any confrontation at all, not even verbal---which they mislabel as "violence". If there's a problem with the GOP, as far as Hitler would be concerned, it would be their utter passivity in the face of an enemy. They are as far way from Hitler as you can get. But Brandon and Co? They may as well be bosom buddies with old Adolf and his Brownshirts.

Aesop's Fable about the wolf and the lamb is often mentioned here. Yet the lamb was at least willing to defend itself verbally. The lamb may not have had the means ( like F-15's and the like) to defend itself physically, but the lamb AT LEAST had something to say in defense of itself. What exactly is the GOP doing to defend itself? Whatever it is, Hitler would not have approved.

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