Thursday, September 29, 2022

Who is really kicking our ass

Ass kicking

China's life expectancy has surpassed the USA's. The link above has a title that says "China is kicking our fat woke ass". But is it that? Or is it something else? There's not much doubt that something is wrong. All the polls have consistently said so.

What is at the source of this decline? The article mentions that white people's life expectancy has gone down more than the colored people's. They say it was because of white people's resistance?!?

I've offered the same explanation as always. It is deceit on an epic scale. We have a ruling class that has declared war on us. Yet the people don't perceive it that way. You can be assured that when you are getting lied to on an epic basis, that something is definitely up. In the "Art of War", Sun Tzu said warfare is all about deception. If you want truth from these people in the ruling class, you will definitely not get it. It is a sure sign of HOSTILITY. The war is killing people.

Perhaps people cannot wrap their minds around the notion that their "leaders" are lying to them. You can bet your sweet bippy that this is a very big mistake.

The evidence of it is all around. Yet people have allowed themselves to be blinded so that they cannot see it. Or refuse to see it. That is, if you believe the polls. But the polls too can be a source of deception.

The one way that we have left, and this way may already be compromised, is the right to vote. This is an election season. In this election season, it is only necessary for the deception to continue for just a little while longer. If it succeeds, matters will continue to go downhill. The biggest issue is inflation, followed by the economy in general. It so happens that Brandon has emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to fool the public into thinking that oil prices are stable. This WON'T LAST. Those responsible for this know that full well. They are fooling the public in order to improve their chances in this election. Once the election is over, the deception is no longer necessary. They'll have us by the gonads.

There's not much time left, and too many signs say that the status quo won't be changing much, if at all. If anything, things are about to get much worse.

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