Friday, November 5, 2021

Listen to the Thunder --- Deadwood clip


The election season is over, but the matter isn't concluded. Not just yet. As I look around the web, this clip came to mind. The things happening out there are like the thunder mentioned in this clip. The election was more of the same. But are people listening to the thunder?

The conversation here has Wild Bill Hickok warning the widow, whose husband has just been killed under suspicious circumstances; that he had had a conversation with her husband and he advised her husband to leave town. But he didn't. At this point, her husband was dead, and Will Bill was seeing to her interests.

He is warning her that she should leave, and he tells her to listen to the thunder. The thunder is a warning. She is being warned, just like her husband was warned.

We are experiencing a bit of thunder like that too. A storm is coming. Do you hear the thunder? What do you do when you hear the thunder? A prudent individual would take as many precautions as is practical.

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