Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Starship SN11 crashes

There's not much info on this one. It took off in a fog, the video is very spotty. Nothing to show for what happened exactly, but it does appear that it crashed as did the three others before. This one may be worse than all the previous ones, if what some are saying. But there's nothing definite yet.

There may be fears that the new regime in DC may crack down on Spacex for things like this. If they do, it is precisely why nobody has done anything big in outer space since the Apollo era. Nobody will take chances, and progress will slow to a crawl.

Hopefully, the new regime will ease off with their restrictive attitudes. Without some kind of a pushback on a large enough scale, there is going to more and more regimentation from the totalitarians in DC.

We don't have much of a pushback at all, sadly.

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