Thursday, May 21, 2020

Unfreaking believable

It says here that 3/4ths of all Woohoo flu deaths in Pennsylvania were in nursing homes or personal care facilities.  Not only that, but these facilities were forced to accept infected patients.


Let me again point out the irony -- or perhaps the calculated outcome -- that the only places in the US where the infection rates and death rates came close to matching the models' predictions is in those Democrat states whose Democrat governors engineered a mass slaughter of the elderly by ordering that the infected be mixed in with the unifected by compromised.

The guy responsible for this policy claims to be a woman.  Yep.  A freaking lunatic was put in charge of critical health decisions for Pennsylvania.

People need to be held accountable for this.

Update a short while later:

There's another article there that shows the contrast between Florida and New York.   No link available.  Just scroll down.

It looks like it was a deliberate act to juice the death numbers.


Not limited to Pennsylvania.  81% of Minnesota covid-19 deaths from nursing homes.


Ohio 70%!

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