Thursday, February 13, 2020

Letting their freak flag fly



It's all related to this kind of behavior.   The leftists will preach about the rule of law, then proceed directly to overthrow it.  The amendment at the time gave a deadline for ratification.  The deadline has long since passed, but now the Democrats want to claim that the deadline didn't matter in the first place.  To these monsters, those words mean nothing now, but they did then.  If the law itself said a deadline existed then, then there is a deadline now, or the law means nothing.

This is not about the rule of law, but the opposite.  Do it the right way, or there will be nothing legitimate about it.  Pass it in Congress, then submit it to the states.  Otherwise, it is just a way around the law.


The commie and the peter puffer seem to be the front runners in the freaky Olympics, aka Democrat nominating process.

If the commie wins the presidency, you can say goodbye to economic growth, if not outright sanity.  But come to think of it, sanity left the Democrats four years ago at the very least.  They've been going nuts for a lot longer than that.

You have to be really over-the-top in order to make Hillary look good.  Without Hillary, they are lost.  With Hillary, they threatened to take us over into the Twilight Zone.

I'd like to think that neither a commie or peter puffer would have a chance to win, but Obama won in 2008 and again in 2012, so who knows?

Considering that the GOP doesn't care that much about winning, maybe those wins can be explained away.  At any rate, it is hard to see Trump losing to these whack jobs.  The control of Congress is a different matter.  Trump is a serious person, but the Congress-critters need to grow up.

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