Monday, February 10, 2020

From the "you can't make this stuff up" file

Dying isn't much of a "solution".

A Cambridge academic has proposed a radical new way to solve climate change – letting humanity become extinct. Patricia MacCormack, a professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University, has just released her new book "The Ahuman Manifesto", which will officially be launched in Cambridge today (Wednesday, February 5).


Only a modern academic could think up something like this.

Who's to benefit from the "solution"?  If all solutions mean the end of mankind, why not blow it all up instead? 

Maybe the cockroaches and rats would agree with this professor, but nobody will be left to "interview" them.  Perhaps if you can just learn their language first, but don't die before you do it.  Nobody will be there to read it.

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