Friday, October 11, 2019

Star Chamber follies



8:20 am:

Perhaps this star chamber concept seems a bit esoteric.  Let me try to simplify it without going too far.  Note that I am concerned about not "going too far".  If only the Democrats would think like this.

Anyway, a Star Chamber could be considered as an attempt by the Democrats to be JUDGE, JURY, AND EXECUTIONER.

How so?  By what they are doing.  They are attempting to go around the courts, they are going around the process which includes ALL members of the House ( besides just themselves), and they want to get the Senate to go along.  That's the whole she-bang right there.  Judge, jury and executioner.  They want the whole ball of wax.  That's what a Star Chamber is.

You'd have to be nuts to want to override all of our constitutional protections.  If they could do that the President, they could do that to YOU.

7:00 am:

This dovetails with what I noted long ago on this blog--- progressivism isn't.  Rather, it is "regressivism", a reversion to barbaric practices once deemed extinct.

There is yet another word for it---reactionary.  Yep, the progressives aren't progressive.  They are what they condemn, and that is reactionary.  We are headed toward a type of backwardness not seen here for centuries.

How is it progressive to go back to a Salem Witch Trial?  You could extend this argument to many facets of the so-called progressive program--- such as AGW.


The WB isn't whistleblower.  He is an illicit leaker for a matter that isn't illegal anyway.  It's a total fraud, which intended to distract from their own criminality.

By the way, why is the CIA getting involved in domestic politics?  Isn't this forbidden to them?  Oh, I forgot.  Democrats run DC.  There's no accountability there.

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