Saturday, October 12, 2019

A "permanent" coup?


This link was from a Free Republic post.  The comment section there acknowledges two things:
1) Taibbi is anti-Trump, and 2) Taibbi is against the soft-coup.

He is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone, so that gives a pretty good indication of who he is.  He also contributed to Keith Olbermann's show.  Olbermann strikes me as a nutcase.  Taibbi seems to have a way of pissing off just about everybody.

So, what's my opinion of his piece?  He doesn't like Trump nor does he like the plotters of this coup.

As for what I think of his calling it a permanent coup, I would disagree.  It won't last.  One or the other must win this confrontation.  Trump is the only one in politics that I've seen who is willing to take it on.  Just my own opinion here, but we've had this ongoing sedition in our country for a long time now.  If Trump fails in putting it down, the results are going to be painful for almost everyone on this planet.  If he succeeds, it will be painful for the few malcontents and a small minority of their followers.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that the vast majority of Americans support what the Dems are doing.  It is only possible for them to succeed because the vast majority of Americans aren't fully aware of how rotten this attempted coup is.  On that score, if Trump can win those who normally side with the Dems over to his side, he will prevail.  If not, they plotters will win, and the Republic will cease to be.

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