Thursday, October 10, 2019

Remember the term "enemies list"?


It was a Nixon era term, which describes the paranoia of that administration.  So, is the new enemies list the thing that Bongino is referring to?

Getting put on the list is an intimidation tactic.  The idea is to silence their critics, meaning Bongino himself, and anybody else that supports Trump.

It shouldn't be a big surprise.  Wasn't it in the news that Castro tried to intimidate some people in San Antonio Texas who were merely expressing their constitutional right to express their political views?

Nixon may have been a choir boy compared to these goons. If all this is true, they are a criminal element in positions of authority, and this is indeed intimidating behavior.  Why threaten people who are seeking out the truth of matters that should concern us all?  Is it Nixonian cover-up?

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