Sunday, June 23, 2019

Compare and contrast


11:09 am:

I cannot believe the number of errors.  Corrected, damn it.

9:32 am:

The two modes of thinking here in this excerpt from Brave New World.

The representative from the Brave New World would reject the ideas in Keat's poem -- Ode on Melancholy.  John embraces it.

The truth isn't really about melancholy.  It is about freedom.  The freedom to be happy or sad.  To make mistakes, and to learn from them.  To grow or not grow.  To exist, and to live.

John the Savage wants to live, but the Brave New World is content merely to exist.

But John's mother chose the Brave New World.  Thus the question:  Which one is best?  The one in which you are accustomed?  Or is there some objective way to determine the answer?

To have a chance at something better one must take risks.  If perfection already exists, then why take the risk?

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