Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Truth works in mysterious ways

There seems to be a controversy regarding the tennis legend Martina Navrotolova.  Before I dug into this controversy, I recalled that she was lesbian, looked it up, and confirmed it.  She has been openly homosexual for quite some time.  The controversy is between her and this community of homosexuals, who are quite "fanatical" according to some.  The fanaticism will become evident--- read on.

It seems that she opposes so-called transgenders in sports, accusing them of being unfair.  The community will not tolerate this.  Hence, the fanaticism.

Indeed, it is unfair.  As I noted in a previous post, the female pelvis is different from the male pelvis.  This is the reason that women cannot run as fast as men.  That's true because the so-called transgenders aren't women, they are men.

If you doubt this, then look it up.  I think this is so obvious that it doesn't require much thinking to verify as being correct, nor much searching for evidence.  Either you support the truth, or you don't.  It is fair, to call people who will not recognize obvious truth, as being fanatics.

Therefore, Martina N. is right.  ( I have a little trouble spelling the name, so I used the initial "N" only. )  Males masquerading as females should not be allowed to compete against real women.  It is indeed unfair.

Too bad the truth only goes so far with Martina.  But this is enough to show that even debilitated people can at least see some truth.

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