Monday, March 4, 2019

An argument against fluid genderism

Wow.  What a title.  Who'd a thunk it way back when?  If you went back to when I was a kid, an argument like this might well have received a guffaw or two.

Anyway, these days, we have to belabor what should be obvious. ( btw, as you will read, this isn't intended as a pun)  Boys aren't girls, and vice versa.  But that isn't enough to stop 'em these days.

So, here's a link to a pic, which describes the whys and wherefores of human anatomy--- male v. female pelvis

There are so many other examples, but for any reasonable person, who should have any doubts, there isn't any way to change this, as you should well know. 

But that is not likely to stop these people.

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