Saturday, March 9, 2019

Obligatory, 3.9.19

This is a day for thought.

I have a little notebook, where I keep, ahem, notes.   The notes were fairly disorganized, so I made a little table of contents, put in some page numbers, and voila, the thing is almost like a book.

That's one thing I did today.  There are others.

This is giving me some confidence.  So much confidence that I may be getting a bit cocky.  My experience tells me that overconfidence is a signpost for trouble ahead.

One can get carried away sometimes.

On the larger scene, I note this as well:  people do not like to hear negatives.  So, they see negatives here on this blog, and they go away.  That's pretty dumb.  If all you want to hear is what you already think you know, then you learn nothing new.  You become an idget.

A little constructive criticism never hurt anybody.  But "snowflakes" will never listen, and so they will never learn.  They will be snowflakes forever, or until they learn to do better.  Snowflakes inhabit places like Venezuela, whose people must not have read their history books, and therefore elected a leftist who subsequently destroyed their country.

If you won't listen and pay attention, you will pay the piper.

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