Sunday, February 10, 2019

Idiocracy equals leftism

The movie Idiocracy did not get much promotion.  I suspect that it didn't because it hit too close to the truth.  The truth is something that the leftwing just cannot deal with.

The thing that set me off on this rant is the report that polar bears are invading towns now, and that AGW is said to be the causeUpdate:  ( polar bears are not going extinct, they are not endangered )

I am sorry.  This is just so stupid.  It is like AOC's Green New Deal proposition.  There's a pattern here, and it is one of epic idiocy.

AOC was supposed to be educated, but she is a nincompoop.  What she does seem to know is a way towards political power.  You could dismiss her as an complete idiot, but the thing about leftism is that- although, it may appear to be idiotic- the politics of it seems to work a lot more often than it should.

Leftists prey upon the gullibililty of vulnerable people.  The young are gullible, and one of their favorite targets.  The poor are gullible and sometimes desperate.  Yes, just about anyone can be vulnerable at some point or in some situations.  In such cases, someone posing as a knight in shining armor can come running to your rescue.  It seems that people fall for that.  The leftists are posing as these proverbial knights, but they are like a villainous Pied Piper.

But when it comes to AGW, there is nothing but a manufactured problem.  The left engineers its solutions so that only they can solve what only they can see.  How convenient.

In the meantime, they degrade culture and civilization, and drive the entire existence toward mind numbing idiocy.  Yep, we are on that path.  Not only this country, but this report was from Russia.   It is everywhere.

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