Sunday, December 16, 2018

Paul Craig Roberts: "In the Western World Truth Is on Its Deathbed"


If Roberts is correct, his short essay shows why that is so.

To explain it, you would have to be well-versed in Christianity.  Roberts seems to believe that you should be rewarded for telling the truth.  However, if history is any guide, truth has not been a welcomed thing.

Here's what I think:  the world is governed by vice, not by virtue.  Truth-telling is not going to fare well in such an environment.  You have to be prepared to be punished for telling the truth. 

I like to quote a couple proverbs on the subject:  One of those is Mexican, and it says that only children and fools tell the truth.  The other is Arabic.  It says that he who tells the truth must always have one foot in the stirrup.

If you tell the truth, you will be punished for it.  It takes some guts, and little regard for reward, in order to tell the truth.

Besides, the powerful need a good talking to.  The powerful do not always remain powerful.  The high and mighty can be brought down.  In such a war, be prepared to accept casualties.

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