Thursday, November 15, 2018


Is it not hypocrisy to criticize others of what you do yourself?

For anybody to complain about incivility then, they should first look to themselves.  They should also look to their associates and correct them for their misbehavior.

Only if they do these things do they have any credibility in complaining about the opposition's lack of civility.

To be specific, whenever Democrats do this with respect to Trump, they should look FIRST at their own behavior and of those within their own group.  If they are such exemplars of good behavior, I haven't seen enough of it to take any of their complaints seriously.

When you are a GOP moderate, you need to walk a very straight line, because it begins to appear that you may be taking sides against your own side.  Frankly, that is often how it appears to be, and why they lose a lot of credibility among the rest of the GOP.

As always, if you want to criticize, first look at yourself, and what you may be contributing to the situation that you are tempted to criticize.  If this procedure were to be followed, it would be helpful.

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