Monday, November 12, 2018

I hate bullshit


It is ironic that I like to use this movie to illustrate that we live in a Matrix, and that isn't bullshit.

The bullshit is the Matrix.   If you want to clean up the corruption in Washington DC, you will have to overcome the bullshit.  The bullshit is coming at us 24/7.  It comes from all directions, continually.

How do you cut through the bullshit, and get people to understand that our safety and security comes down to a simple question:  do you want the truth or not?  If you do not, then you are lost.  You are like the Cypher character in that movie, who betrayed his fellows in order to gain a little advantage for himself.

With respect to the Mueller investigation, I do not believe that is grounded in truth.  The whole thing was started with the allegation of Russian hacking of the DNC.  If the DNC really cared about security, they wouldn't have been hacked, if that is what happened.  I don't think it happened.  Besides, the DNC didn't prove it anyway.  They got the FBI to okay something that wouldn't stand up in any courtroom because it was hearsay.  Hearsay isn't truth, or isn't regarded as proof in a court of law.

Consequently, the entire Russian conspiracy angle was built upon this, which wasn't proven, and therefore cannot be considered as TRUTH.  It is plainly and simply BULLSHIT.

Mueller's investigation is BULLSHIT, because it is based upon BULLSHIT like this.

But there are GOP types who approve of Mueller's investigation because they want to enable the BULLSHIT to succeed.  Now it has succeeded, and the Dems control the House.  The GOP didn't want to govern, because that is also BULLSHIT that they serve us in order to convince us that they really mean what they say.  Which they don't.

The latest BULLSHIT is that divided government is a good thing.  This particular brand of BULLSHIT is to immobilize us, and thus prevent us from cleaning up the corruption that is killing this country.


That's my attitude about truth.  I hate bullshit.  I think this makes me different, because I get the impression that more people than not are the other way around.  They hate truth, I hate bullshit.

What gave me my latest inspiration was while I watching videos yesterday.  I was watching some videos of the matrix when I came across something that gave me the reaction above and I thought "bullshit!"  My suspension of disbelief was stretched to the breaking point.

I got about halfway through this video when I thought "BULLSHIT". But why? The Matrix is all about virtual reality. It is the very definition of bullshit. You have to accept that in order to accept the movie. But the very premise of the movie is bullshit itself. The rest follows immutably from this premise. If you respect the truth, you cannot respect this movie. It is total bullshit. If you love bullshit, you will love the movie.

The truth cannot be virtual. The truth must be immutable. It is the perception of truth that is malleable. That's what people who love bullshit know. They know they can distort the truth to their advantage, which is why they love it so.  It's what gives them their power.  Their power comes from ability to lie and get people to believe their lies.  It is their lies that threaten to destroy our freedom and put us in chains.  For you see, this is what they want.

A little more self-disclosure here with a story that I don't like to tell. It is about me and my oldest brother. I am told that he thinks I'm so very funny because I am so serious. There's a running joke in this family about an event that happened when I was about 10 years old with my oldest brother. The mere hint of this incident is enough to bring a hearty round of laughter. Yes, I can laugh about it. I have a sense of humor. Maybe not a very good one, but I do have one.  I consider it a saving grace.  If it weren't for this, I would have been in a madhouse years ago.

The story is about a fruit pie that I had bought for my lunch the next day. My brother found this fruit pie and he ate it. When I discovered that he ate it, I protested it and this is what he found was so funny. He made a big joke of it and said "You wouldn't have liked it anyway". That phrase is enough to make us all laugh today. But at the time, it wasn't so funny. I said "yes I would have!" And he kept insisting that I wouldn't have and I argued. He thought it was so hilarious that I would seriously argue the point, I gather.

You know, people like my brother. But I am not so likable. I wonder what is so likable about what he did? But people like it anyway. It just goes to show you something.  Something dark about human nature.

I think what it shows is the way liberals react to conservatives when they earnestly try to peel away all the untruth about liberalism. The liberals will sneer and make fun of conservatives for their earnestness. It is like my big brother who made fun of me. The liberals think they are so smart and the conservatives are so dumb. It may be true too, if the respect for truth is dead in the people.

Let us hope that this is not true. I think there's reason to believe that it isn't true. Why? It is in the movie The Departed. I saw that this movie is fairly popular to rent. Why? The way that it ends. The bad guy gets whacked in the end. People like that. The morality that is confirmed is why they like it, I think.  They wouldn't have liked it if the good guy got whacked in the end. That's why I'm encouraged. Morality isn't dead yet, but it may be on life support.  That is why we in the Western Civilization are so deeply in trouble.  The liberals have gotten us ensnared so deeply in their lies, that we are confused about our morality.  Let us hope that the confusion can be clarified and reaffirmed.  If we can do this, we may find salvation.

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