Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Last Refuge: "NY Times claims FBI was trying to flip Deripaska"

Let's get this straight.  If Trump hires Manafort, who has connections to Russia, it must mean that Trump is a traitor.  But if the FBI tries to get help from "the Russians" to frame Trump, that's okay.

Just because the NY Times says something, it isn't gospel.  In fact, it is quite likely to be a lie.

Yep.  I'm calling them liars.  It has gotten that bad in this country.

This is as bizarre as that German Nazi Rudolf Hess who flew to Scotland during WWII in order to flip the English and "make peace".

Maybe these guys are trying to "flip" us all.

Btw, somebody in the comment sections wrote about the connections between all these people.  It is stunning how these people are all interrelated.  Search for the poster named "Concerned".  His source seems to be Gateway Pundit.

Get this: Lanny Davis is Cohen's lawyer.  Tell me, why would anybody believe anything that comes out of Mueller's so-called investigation?

More on Deripaska from a previous post.

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