Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lots of media outlets are foreign owned or foreign influenced

The link for that is somewhere on the Last Refuge, comment section.  I was going to comment upon that there, but there was a problem with commenting ( sounds like red tape because it is ).

Anyway, I didn't succeed in getting a comment up, and a link up here either.  But I saw it yesterday.  It may come as a shock to some.

A mnemonic to help remember what post that was is this: it was about Trudeau saying that he won't sign any new agreement to replace NAFTA unless they can keep their media companies.

But as I said, I couldn't get signed on, so I didn't post a comment.  Nor did I provide a link, but I did give you a hint to go find it if you wish.  As for me, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, since so many people comment on that blog.

It should not surprise anybody that so much foreign influence exists.  So, here's the deal:  why does the left worry so much about Russian influence?  We have access to Russia Today.  I am sure that allows the Russians to influence public opinion here.  If the left is so worried about Russia, then why are they allowed to broadcast here?

Just another reason to suspect that the Russian meddling claim is nothing but hyped up nonsense.


Went looking for this comment again, and yes it is hard to find on that post.  I know it is there.  I could spend hours looking for it.  But then again....

What I did find is this infographic.  It is so big that it won't copy in one piece, so I made a few pieces from screen grabs.  Here's a bit of it, so as to give you the flavor of the "news" that we are so immersed in.

cannot read this?  It's friggin huge.

Better?  One look of this will only begin to clue you in.  But it isn't all.
Carlos Slim owns the NY Times.  Slim is a Mexican national.  Got the picture now?

This is actually an old post by Frugal Dad.  Things have gotten worse in the last seven years.  Hard to see how it can get worse than this!

There's a lot more than what I have put up here.  Yet, people are drawn into this, and they believe this propaganda.  It is anti-American.  When Trump identifies them as an enemy, he is right.  At the very best, they are not our friends.

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