Sunday, August 5, 2018

AGW discussion 109

It has been awhile since the last one.

The latest idea for a post on this subject is the gas laws.  It has been discussed before, but perhaps not at this angle, so here goes.

The temperature of a gas can be manipulated by manipulating its volume.  This is the principle of the fire piston.  Compressing a gas will heat it.  The explanation for this comes from the gas law, to wit:

Temperature of a gas is proportional to its volume times its pressure.

That can be expressed as T = PV,   ( note should use proportional sign, but all intents and purposes, an equal sign works just as well. )

Using a bit of algebra obtains the following:  holding V contant---   V= T/P

                                                                                      P constant----  P= T/V

What does this tell us?  Well, if you heat a gas in an enclosed container, Pressure must go up proportionally.  Likewise, if you hold pressure constant, volume goes up proportionally.  If one side of the equation outpaces the other, the ratio will affected.  For example, if volume outpaces temperature, pressure must go down.  If volume outpaces pressure, then temperature goes down, and vice versa.

In a practical example, take your internal combustion engine.  An explosion in a relatively constant sized combustion chamber causes the superheated air to expand.   This pushes the piston down, which does work.  The air continues to expand as the valves open, and the heated air goes out the tailpipe.  Incidentally, while it is doing so, it is cooling down rapidly.  Volume is outpacing pressure.

This allows me to segue into why there can be no AGW.  No matter how much you may trap the heat, you either get an expansion of the atmosphere, which cools it right back down, or you get higher pressure.  Since nothing can hold down the gas permanently except gravity, then eventually, the heated air will be conducted upward and outward to space.

Gas will expand infinitely until it becomes like outer space itself.  Without anything holding it down, the gas molecules will go in all directions forever.  The thing keeping the volume of gas constant on this planet is its gravity.  Add a little heat energy, and the force of that energy will cause the atmosphere to expand.  While it does so, it cools down.

Consequently, whatever effect anything like a so-called greenhouse gas may have, it can only be temporary.

AGW is bunk.

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