Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Next experiment

Just moved the dehumidifier so that it will drain into the evaporative cooler.

This probably sounds crazy.  Why would you take out humidity and put it back in?  Good question.

It is all a matter of when and why.   The when part has to do when it is cool in the morning.  It is also humid in the morning.  This is a good time to turn on the dehumidifier, and use it to fill the tank of the evaporative cooler.

During the hot afternoons, the humidity is low.  It makes sense to add humidity in order to cool down the hot air.

The idea here is to stretch out the number of hours I can run the evaporative cooler.  This will come at a cost of using more electricity, since the dehumidifier uses about 800 watts, if memory serves.

But, but, but!

I am making the living room livable.  This is not costing anything, because I use the a/c much less in the hot afternoons.  I don't get stuck back there trying to stay cool.  This is quite comfortable during most of the day. Lately, about two or three hour stretch is mildly uncomfortable.  I am trying to improve upon that a bit, while staying within constraints.

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