Thursday, July 26, 2018

Free trade hocus pocus

One thing that never convinced me was this idea that trade deficits didn't matter.  With the current changes in our trading relationships, it appears that Trump is going to erase at least some of that problem.

Lest anyone get too excited about all this, there are other ways towards protectionism than tariffs.  Of course, as long as Trump is on the job, he'll keep the other guys as honest as is possible to keep them.

Unfortunately, Trump will never get credit for this.  There is a lot to do to correct the ills that this society has.  One of the worst ills is this outlandish amount of dishonesty in the media.

We have the First Amendment and all, but there needs to be an understanding about the role of corporations in all of this high stakes propaganda.  These corporations are multinational.  They have little loyalty to this country, if any at all.  If screwing the people of this country is to their advantage, you can be assured that they would have no problem with it so long as it helps their own bottom line.

I've gone on rants about corporations before.  But anybody in the world can own a stock traded on the stock exchanges.  Hopefully people will start thinking about that.

By the way, that link in the paragraph above was in 2014.  So this really isn't about Trump.  Trump is only giving expression to what people think.  There is no cult of personality.  It is just another one of their lies.


next morning:

Dick Morris weighs in.  GDP numbers out this morning, could be big news.

... more here from Last Refuge.  My concerns about other trade barriers may be getting addressed.  That would be welcome news.

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