Sunday, July 22, 2018

Panning for Gold

Everything is a metaphor these days.  This blog doesn't pan for real gold.  Rather it is panning for "gold nuggets" in the current events of the day.

My opinion of gold may differ from yours.

Here's the gold nugget in the following quote from an article in CTH:

a comment by "phoenix rising"

The irony here is unbelievable…
The very people who executed/attempted a coup upon candidate/president-elect/POTUS Trump…
cannot be relieved of their positions because
their target would be IMPEACHED…
talk about a gordian knot…

Perfectly stated!  The only reason this "collusion" controversy even exists, is because of traitorous scum in the GOP who allow it to exist.  They could end this today, but won't.  The nugget here is that Trump's political existence could hinge on people like this.   It is already too late to primary them out, so the only way to avoid impeachment--- is to allow this attempt at impeachment to continue.  How do you fight it????  Can't vote them out now.  The opportunity has passed.

These people fight with lies.  Lies can be uncovered by truth.  But that may take a lot of guts to find.

Here's more...

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