Monday, September 4, 2017


John McCain is going after Trump again.  Why did he not think that Obama needed to be stood up to?  Why go after Trump for just trying to get legislation that the GOP has been promising for years?  McCain seems to be claiming that Trump is bullying them.  Why would he need to be bully them on matters such as these?

Theories, anyone?

McCain stays in office because ....  blank.    This guy has posed as a conservative for at least 16 years.  I remember him once when he was on Michael Reagan's radio show.  The topic then was about judges, and McCain was right about George W. Bush and judges.  He said Bush would nominate another Souter.  Yes, and Bush nominated Harriet Miers, and that was enough to start a rebellion in the GOP.  But does that make McCain more reliable than others?

McCain tends to play up to liberals.  But no liberals would seriously consider voting for him.  If they would have, then McCain would have been POTUS.  Why does McCain do that, then?  What does he get for bashing Trump and betraying voters?

Lately, he's been saying that he isn't answerable to POTUS Trump.  But is he really responsive to the people who voted for him?  A thought occurred to me that McCain only answers to himself.

A theory, voila!

It's the "me" generation.  It's all about "me".  McCain is mad that Trump slighted his "hero" status.  Now, Trump has to pay for that.

It's not about Trump, it's about McCain.  Maybe that is what keeps him in office.  People relate better to people who take of number one first.


The media supports the sainted war hero John McCain as long as he doesn't run against The Black Guy.  Then he is unworthy again.

The sainted John McCain cannot be criticized, unless you are a Democrat and the POTUS is at stake.  GOP types must not ever say anything at all about the sainted John McCain.  Ever.  Ever and Ever.

If they do, then look out!

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