Sunday, September 3, 2017

Mark Zuckerberg for POTUS?

Insty has a piece linking on that possibility.

Facebook is a fake company.   What does it produce?

Zuckerberg may be the perfect Democrat candidate.  He is said to be far richer than Trump.

At least Trump built real things.  What the hell is Fakebook?

But he might be a perfect metaphor for the times.  It has become the land of the fake, and the home of the free lunch.  Perfect man for the times.


Why be so hard on Zuckerberg?  Ask yourself this question:  What problem does Facebook solve that cannot be solved elsewhere and in some other manner?

The  reason Facebook does as well as it does is because of the stock market.  You can bring something to the stock market that gains the fancy of the buying public, but it could be largely without merit.  Think tulip craze.

In contrast, consider SpaceX.  SpaceX is doing revolutionary things in space, but it isn't a publicly owned corporation.  When it goes public, it will likely go stratospheric.  But its accomplishments came first.  What has Facebook accomplished?

What revolutionary thing has Facebook done?  Zuckerberg has only gained the adoration of a crowd.  But that isn't the same thing as creating something of real value.  Therefore, he is just a fake.

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