Friday, September 29, 2017

If I said it once...

I have said it a hundred times.  It is not liberal to tax corporations.  Unless you think the US Constitution was written by a bunch of bleeding heart libs...

The original constitution said that there was not to be a "capitation tax, or direct tax".  The sixteenth amendment did away with that.  Do away with the sixteenth amendment.  Get rid of the capitation tax.  That would be conservative.

But if you cannot tax individuals, then who do you tax?  Ahem, ahem, ahem.

The whole point of import taxes and taxes on corporations deals with the priorities of maintaining individual freedom.  Yet, even "conservatives" don't get this.

That's why there really aren't very many conservatives in this country anymore.  Many of them, or probably all of them, don't know what the hell it is.  If the original constitution ain't conservative, there ain't no such thing.  And that is where we are today.

I had to correct these dudes before.  The work never ends...

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