Friday, September 29, 2017

Don't just do something, stand there!

Yeah, it's a joke.  Hey, the joke is all on us, you people.

I've spent some time thinking up this title.  On serious subjects, such as the state of our country, one is inclined to be serious.  Only problem is, is that nobody is truly serious about anything anymore in this country.

That's right.  You cannot be serious, because you have not thought it all out.

If you are going to secede, you have to think it all out as to what that means.  But nobody does that.  They shout:  "secede!", and it all comes to nothing, because they are not at all serious.  It happened in Texas, and it is now happening in "Collyfornia".

Now, the left-wingers might be more serious.  But I wonder if they really are.  If they were, they would have to think of how to run a country when they cannot run their own state.  Most of what the left seems to be about is unsustainable.  They would be conquered if they tried to split off.  Their idea is not feasible.  But those shouting it the loudest are not serious people.  Or are they?  We'll I guess we'll see, won't we?

Now to the POTUS.  He is talking about the NFL.  But he cannot be serious either.  Here is this guy who says a lot of things, but nothing comes of it.  If he were serious, he would shut down the NFL.  But no, he is doing it for political effect.  If he were serious, he would have thought this all out.  If he thought it all out, he might conclude that people elected him to do things, not to just talk.  John McCain can do that.  What do you do when the NFL refuses to follow the law?  Shut them down!

So it is all a joke.  Have a good laugh, but it won't last.  There are serious people in the world, and they will kill you.

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