Saturday, August 26, 2017

Even when you think you have it figured out...

Originally posted, 8.22.17, updated on,

The problem with the reporting is that there is so little of it.  It should be obvious that the only thing these people want to do is to use it for political reasons.

To prove my point, just do a search for the man who drove into the crowd at Charlottesville.  My search didn't yield much information, but I did find this.  That is, I found it after digging around a couple pages worth of searches.

Contrast that with the mountains of stories about Trump.  It seems like it is all that they can talk about.

It says in the one article that I read that the man admitted to being schizophrenic.

There is one other point that I want to make.  There was a picture of people marching with Confederate flags and Nazi flags.  Now, anyone who studied history should know what the problem is with that.  The two groups shared racist views, true, but other than that, the differences were profound.

Therefore, the fact that anyone who equates the two indicates an ignorance of history.  For example, Hitler killed white people.  His brand of racism was a lot more exclusive than the Confederacy's.  Indeed, if you knew that the people you marched with might well have cast you in the oven with the Jews, you might not have wanted to march with them.  For this reason, I don't think they should be taken very seriously.  Anyone that deficient in understanding cannot be much of a threat.

The hysteria over Trump's statements is just that.  Manufactured hysteria in order to achieve a political result.

We still don't know much about that guy, now do we?

So, I looked a little more.  He is alleged to have said some really questionable things.  If he really said that stuff, why wasn't anybody alarmed?

By the way, there are some prominent black people who admired Hitler.  Now cogitate for a moment on that one.

So, is all this hysteria really necessary because of the actions of this one man, even if everything said about him is accurate?

the original post follows:

you don't.

It's why I out and out distrust the media.  They sell you 100% lies, and if you believe only 1% of it, it is too much.

The thing that got me is that they really don't know why that guy drove his car into that mob in Charlottesville.

It is simply assumed that he was a "bad guy".  But what if he wasn't?  What if it is just another one of their lies?

Serious question, ya'll.

It is how ordinarily fairly decent types can get bamboozled by these jerks.  If you are ordinarily decent, and you  accept only 1% of their fraud, it is way too much.  Then you become a problem, like they are.

I accepted that this was a bad guy.  But according to Ann Coulter, no evidence has emerged that proves that.

Sort of like no evidence that the DNC was hacked.  But there is a dead body.  Nobody's interested in a murder, but a non-existent hack, now that is news.

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