Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Has America hit the point of no return?

Asks Victor Davis Hanson.


I didn't read the navel gazing type essay ( or what I suspect it is).  If you are afraid of that, why not work against it instead of allowing it to happen while you stare helplessly at your navel?

Hanson writes for National Review, who campaign against Trump, and for the globalists ( I dubbed Unitroids before The Donald)  I can prove that I haven't been taken in by The Donald.  He may have been taken in by ME!  Bwah, hah, hah!


The 'troid thread died awhile back, but given the drift of the modern political scene, it may be useful to go back and review the posts:

  • The Corporatist State:  Globalists ( unitroids) are heavy on the use of the corporate model.  It is actually a fascist organizing principle.  Funny how the left seems attracted to it.  They attack it, but never do anything about it.  Corporations are run by mostly liberals, if you haven't noticed.
  • On moneychangers and unitroids:  A case in point.  FDR was supposed to run the moneychangers out of the temple of our republic.  Instead, they are up to their old tricks.

I think the "Death Cult" is also somehow connected to the Unitroid ( Globalist ) phenomenon.  It could explain a lot of the screwball social engineering these days.  The idea is to stop Western Civilization from procreating, either by birth control, or by abortion.  Then to swamp Western countries with immigrants, who in turn, overwhelm the existing social order.

As Sun-Tzu said in the Art of War, if you don't know your enemy nor yourself, you are going to lose.

They are  destroying our heritage, so we won't know ourselves.  They are destroying our educational system, so we won't know our enemy.  Unless we reverse this, we are finished.

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