Saturday, June 18, 2016

The political scene is a joke

You've a got a certified criminal and traitor on the Dem side.  On the GOP side, you supposedly have a candidate in deep trouble because everybody says so.  Not to mention an insurgency designed to undo the will of the people in the primaries.  What do these people think they are doing?  I would think anybody with functioning synapses would figure out that these people are not afraid of Trump losing, they are afraid of him winning.  Consequently, the circus and comedy show they are putting on is designed to make Trump look like a loser.  There's even talk of bribing Trump into stepping down.

These people have no credibility with me.  It is only a question of whether or not there are enough people to see it the same way I do.

If corporations won't support Trump, that's good news as far as I'm concerned.  Corporations don't vote, but they like to throw their weight around.  There's been too much of that.  If they won't support Trump, but will support Hillary, then what does that tell you?  Ah, but who knows what the people will do.  But so far, on the GOP side, the majority likes Trump.

I'll ignore this clown show.

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