Sunday, May 8, 2016

Analysis of a potential Romney third party run

Not likely, it says here, but not zero.

In my opinion, the only reason for Mittens to run is to hand the presidency to Clinton.  Yep, that sounds like Mittens alright.

Another thought flashed in my mind.  What if Trump abused Mittens so badly that he actually breaks down and cries?  Sort of like in the Austin Powers movie where Dr. Evil bounces the globe off of Number Two's head while ridiculing him.

Any so-called conservative who runs third party to deny Trump victory v. Hillary isn't doing any of us a favor, you know.

But this could be a real threat.  Since these guys know so well how to lose, they may succeed in  bringing down the temple.  The only thing missing is Delilah.  Bruce Jenner doesn't count.

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