Monday, December 8, 2014

This man has a ton of gall

The man is this here guy in the White House.

"This is something that's deeply rooted in our society, deeply rooted in our history. But the two things that will allow us to solve it

 Number one, he's referring to the charge of racism in the killings in Ferguson and New York.  The charges are unfounded based upon any standard of evidence.  But, as one can note, it doesn't matter if the charges are true or not.  It is the CAUSE that matters uber alles.

Obama has a lot of gall to charge racism when he holds the office solely upon his race and his race alone.  If he were white, he never would have won in 2008.  His only claim to office was that he promised to improve race relations, which he has failed to do.  Polls say that race relations have gotten worse under his tenure.

It doesn't help when those who cry injustice are the prime perps of injustice themselves, which the injustices committed themselves are based upon race.  Only the race committing them aren't white, except for their white liberal agitators.

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