Sunday, August 24, 2014

The truth is like the sun, it cannot be gazed upon for long

When I read that book yesterday, or some of it, a slow but painful feeling started coming over me.  It is like the truth being realized, but the truth is horrible, and cannot be endured for long.  Then you turn away from it in one fashion or another.  Entertainment is but one way to turn away from it.

I'm like that too, despite all my words about seeking the truth.  I don't want to look at it for long, and when I do see it, or read about it such as mentioned above, I want to turn away like these criminals in the movie A Clockwork Orange.

In the history books I once read long ago, I recall reading about these fire and brimstone preachers that would talk like this prison charlie here, and would reduce many to tears.  The tears were for from those who believed in what they were hearing.  But the other way to react is to make fun of it because the truth cannot be borne for long.

I went to a fire and brimstone type sermon when I was but a little boy.  Even then I did not like it.  I think it was the only time my parents took us kids to one of these type sermons.  Maybe a kid is too young to hear stuff like that.  On the other hand, many people never emerge from that stage of their lives.   Just sayin'.

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