Thursday, July 10, 2014

Why Vegas can be really bad

Perhaps some of you, if your brains haven't been destroyed by alcohol or drugs, can remember when Hurricane Rita was bearing down on Houston.  This was 2005, and I remember it well, because, ahem, I live here.  All the freeways were jammed up for 70 miles in all directions.  You couldn't get out of town.  Even so, that was only about half of the city trying to escape.  What would have happened if all the people tried to escape at the same time?  As it was, the lines of cars of the freeways made national news.

But Houston was still functional.  If Vegas runs out of water, IT WON'T BE FUNCTIONAL ANYMORE.  In that case, nearly everybody in Vegas will want to get out.  But, as we saw in Houston, Vegas is not prepared for a mass exodus of that scale.

Also, you could get water to people who were stranded in Houston back then.  When there's no water, people start dying.  It is much easier than you think to die.  I've been reading up on this stuff, dehydration will kill your keister dead real fast.  Especially in a desert environment like Vegas.  If Vegas runs out of water, people will likely DIE.

The water level in Lake Mead is getting dangerously low.  Yet they are still building there.  These people have gone mad.  Batpoop crazy.  Instead of doing that, building new stuff, people should be leaving ---- NOW.

Obviously, they are in denial about their dire situation.  It has happened before, you know.  Back in 2005, when Rita was threatening to hit Houston as a Cat 5 hurricane, there was the most recent debacle in New Orleans with Katrina.  Katrina wasn't Bush's fault.  It was a poorly constructed dike that failed, which caused the city to flood.  Of course, the left blamed Bush, as if he had anything to do with the construction of the dikes---which should have held.  All Bush could do was to advise people to leave, which if I am not mistaken, is probably what he did.  Likewise, Obama should advise people to leave Vegas, but he won't.

He doesn't give a poop about the people in Vegas in spite of all his high flown rhetoric.  He'll do nothing and when disaster strikes, he'll blame somebody else.  Mark my words.

Also, the people will believe him because they won't think for themselves.  Just get some authority, like the buttholes in the media, to blame somebody or something other than their own sorry selves, and these people will lap it up like the mindless numbskulls that they are.


A discussion  with Worf indicates that Vegas isn't the problem.

Even if Vegas isn't the problem, they still have one.

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